I am not Ms.Bookworm

Just so everyone knows I am not bookworm I am entirely a different person. You can call me T.J. Tinker I only own Confidential Butterflies. All these post are not by the bookworm. Ok so enjoy my randomness!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chapter 1

The wind against my back almost knocking me over. I was walking home on what had started as a warm summer day. Black clouds swirling in the sky told it wouldn't stay that way. I feel the uneasiness in the air, the hairs on my arms stood up. It started to sprinkle one by one the rain drops cam down. I wasn't afraid of a little rain but a lot of rain was a different story. As the drops fell they came down faster and faster until it was coming down so that you couldn't see down the hill. i ran and put my hands and arms over my head to try to protect myself from the rain but that did no good. Running was a stupid idea because as soon as I started I slipped and tumbled half way down the hill. Standing up I had cuts and scraps all over and my ankle killed. With that hard and long of a fall I wouldn't be surprised if I had broken it. Weakly and cautiously I made my way down the hill. The rain was coming down so hard it almost felt like it could be hail. There 20 feet from was my house. It wasn't a fancy mansion but right now it looked quite cozy. It was yellow with green shutters banging all around. The door was red and hanging on the door a sign said as for me and my house we will serve the lord. I was almost there I was on the patio and walked to the door. i knocked no one answered. I knocked again no answer a shrill went down my spine. Where was m family? Oh no my and dad had left for there meeting! i couldn't get in the house! I started knocking and banging loudly as I could on the door, hoping someone some how would here me. But no one answered. Weak, tired and hurt fell to the ground with no energy left to hold me up. In a matter of seconds I was out cold lying on my patio with rain coming down like hail.

Please comment on what thing of chapter 1.

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