I am not Ms.Bookworm

Just so everyone knows I am not bookworm I am entirely a different person. You can call me T.J. Tinker I only own Confidential Butterflies. All these post are not by the bookworm. Ok so enjoy my randomness!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My sisters Keeper boom!*****WARNING******

I am so mad!! I have just waited 2 hours of my life! Anyone who reads this i warn you that The movie MY SISTER'S KEEPER is a horrible movie! i am so upset at this movie I am telling everyone how much this movie failed. As many teenagers and young adults say it was an EPIC FAIL! =( =( I know the ending to the story and i prefer that one so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Tory!
    I liked that movie!
    I read the book, too. It was sweet.
    --See ya.

  2. I hate the ending. Well I had that cancer!! I wanted the girl to live like in the book but they can never have a CANCER patient live.
